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Quickshot Launch

Prix habituel $239.99
Prix unitaire

Quickshot Launch

Prix habituel $239.99
Prix unitaire

Un dispositif de masturbation de Fleshlight compatible avec une gaine de masturbation Quickshot. 

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Le mot de LEO

Procurant une séance de jeu complètement automatisée et personnalisable, l’appareil de masturbation Quickshot Launch semble débarquer tout droit du futur.

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Économise avec le programme Hédoniste

Abonne-toi au programme et profite de la livraison gratuite dès 150$ d'achats, au lieu de 200$.


Muni de 4 vitesses et de 4 « longueurs » de mouvement différentes, tu pourras choisir les configurations qui correspondent à tes désirs.

Support à téléphone

Pour combiner les sensations aux images qui stimulent ton imagination.

Plaisir variable

8 modes distincts

Compatible avec tes autres produits Fleshlight

Cet appareil est compatible avec les gaines de masturbation Quickshot (vendues séparément).

  • Consulter le guide d’utilisation détaillé.

Consulter le guide d’utilisation détaillé.

Découvre Quickshot Launch

Plaisir mains libres

L'appareil Quickshot Launch t’offre une expérience de masturbation complètement automatisée : il ne te reste plus qu’à t’installer confortablement et à te laisser aller. 

Rapide comme l’éclair

Il peut aller aussi rapidement que 250 mouvements par minute pour des orgasmes pratiquement instantanés.

Fait durer le plaisir

Grâce à son autonomie de 60 minutes et à sa multitude de réglages, le Quickshot Launch te permettra d’essayer plusieurs vitesses différentes et d’y aller progressivement pour une expérience extatique. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Worth the money

Pretty fun watching the thing go to town on ya and you don't have to do much but push some buttons. Not as fast as I would like it to be but still pretty fun. Clean up can be tricky but if you are good with your aim then it's not that bad lol. I really wish this thing was interactive but for the money it's a solid buy.

Great assist for a seventy-two-year-old

What an absolute miracle for a man at my age of seventy-two! I can find pleasure and joy with this assistance device. Yes! And it does it again and again and yet, again!

Just wow

This thing is friggin amazing and I love it. I have a pretty substantial curve and was a bit worried it wouldn't work very well with the Launch, but not a problem at all. Can go for hours with the Quickshot because it's not as intense as full-sized Fleshlights but still feels fantastic. The Launch feels sturdy, has a nice weight to it, and they got everything right with speed, stroke length, and stroke position. Kinda noisy at higher speeds/shorter strokes as you'd expect but really isn't too loud. With longer/lower strokes you get a nice force on your pelvis from the machine that feels amazing. Yeah, it doesn't contain everything for an easy cleanup, but I honestly like seeing the mess lol. An investment, but 10/10 worth it.

Best powerful orgasm I have had in a long time.

The QuickShot Launch is one of the best male masturbators out there. Really, it is so easy to control and keep you in a great state of desire and edging towards climax. The length of the stroke and the frequency are easily manipulated to keep you from coming too soon, which is an awesome benefit. Unlike a personal handjob, it takes you one step higher with more pleasure to a powerful orgasm. Once you decide to go all the way, watch out because having an open end, you will definitely shoot, and shoot hard while it pushes you up and beyond your threshold. Again, for a molar rattling orgasm, this is the way to get there.

Blast off!

This device is amazing! The multiple positions, stroke lengths, and speeds allow you to make your stroking session last as long or short as you want it to. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to enjoy a very pleasurable experience.